
Sivyer are keen to achieve and maintain high quality in all aspects of the service we deliver. As an ISO 9001 accredited company, we are required to report, and act upon, specific feedback given by our customers. This questionnaire will allow you the opportunity (anonymously if you wish) to comment upon our operation and any issues we may wish to address.

If you have any further comments or questions regarding our services then please contact the Quality Manager.

About You

About Us

  Excellent Good Average Poor
Courtesy of staff
Accuracy of information supplied
Range of products and services
Product knowledge
On time collection / delivery
Staff technical skill
Speed of service
Reliability of staff
Flexibility of staff
Undertsanding of customer requirements
Overall communication skills
Progress reports
Ease of payment
Value for money
Staff awareness (general knowledge)
Staff Awarenesss (health and safety)
Staff awareness (environmental issues)
Staff awareness (quality issues)
Complaints procedure
Product returns procedure
Overall "Sivyer" experience